














Circles Around The Sun Returns To Concord Music Hall

Not only is Dead & Company coming to town but our favorite instrumental rock jam band, Circles Around The Sun is too. Join Concord Music Hall for the groovy band's epic return on Saturday, June 15th, doors opening in time to catch the show after The Dead's performance.

Originally forming for the sole purpose of recording a few Grateful Dead-influenced songs for an intermission soundtrack at ‘Fare The Well,’ Circles Around The Sun (CATS for short) didn't expect to continue on making music together after the concert series. But, their quickly acquired fan base had other hopes. The response from fans was so positive that the quartet decided to make a career out of their music. Recognizing their chemistry as a group and the reactions from the world, CATS got back in the studio and recorded an album based on their soundtrack from the 50th anniversary celebration, ‘Interludes For The Dead’ (feat. Neal Casal).

Take a listen to, “Saturday’s Children” (feat. Neal Casal); the hit track off of Circle’s Around The Sun’s debut album, ‘Interludes For The Dead.’

Nearly three years after they introduced themselves to the world, CATS released their second studio album in August of 2018, ‘Let It Wander.' While ‘Let It Wander’ is the second project from CATS, the quartet admits that it feels more like a first for them. This time around, the band wasn't making music for someone else; they were making it for themselves, with no lines to stay inside of.

Switching things up a bit, the quartet features Chuck D, the frontman of hip-hop pioneers group, Public Enemy in their newest album. When the hip-hop legend happened to be in the studio at the same time as CATS, they quartet convinced Chuck D to record an intro for one of their songs, after he raved about how much he loves them. To show the love they have for Chuck D in return, CATS dedicated the track to him.

Watch the music video for “One For Chuck,” off of ‘Let It Wander’ here.

Circles Around The Sun recently kicked off their 2019 Summer Tour. To give you an idea of what their upcoming show at Concord might be like, here is their setlist from their Austin show in late April.


  • Ticket to Helix NGC 7293
  • Saturday’s Children
  • Tacoma Narrows (Saturday’s Children reprise)
  • On My Mind
  • Immovable Object
  • Halicarnassus
  • Scarlotta’s Magnolias
  • One For Chuck
  • Gilbert’s Groove

Come out for a night of easy-going groove and see the “accidental” jam band, Circles Around The Sun when they return to Concord Music Hall on Saturday, June 15th. Get your tickets HERE!

Written by Mary Connor Cox